
発音: イギリス英語は「Received Pronunciation」(RP)として知られる標準的な発音がありますが、実際には多様なアクセントが存在します。例えば、ロンドンの「Cockney」やリバプールの「Scouse」などがあります。また、‘t’ の発音がしっかりとされることや、‘r’ の音が弱くなる傾向があります。
語彙: アメリカ英語と比較すると、イギリス英語は異なる単語を使用することがあります。例えば、「flat」(アパート)、「lorry」(トラック)、「biscuit」(クッキー)などがあります。
文法: イギリス英語では、現在完了時を頻繁に使用し、アメリカ英語よりも形式的な表現が好まれる傾向があります。また、集合名詞に対しては単数形よりも複数形を使うことが一般的です(例:「The team are playing well」)。
スペリング: イギリス英語とアメリカ英語のスペリングには違いがあります。例えば、「colour」(アメリカ英語では「color」)、「favour」(「favor」)、「theatre」(「theater」)などがあります。

This course isn’t about studying to boost your so-called score.
How is it that you naturally learn Japanese and use it as second nature?
It’s because you’ve experienced becoming aware of the meaning and rules of sounds during your childhood by feeling the ‘sounds’.
If you begin with sound, you can learn any language as if it were your mother tongue.
I, having studied languages from across the globe and been involved in translating numerous languages, prioritise feeling and emotion over theory to provide you with the best language experience.
Takuo Nakamura

Mastering a new language as an adult can pose significant challenges. So, how does one effectively learn a practical language?
The answer lies in the process through which young children acquire their mother tongue.
Did we meticulously study grammar and memorise vocabulary during our childhood to learn to speak Japanese? It’s more likely that we absorbed the language by listening to the adults around us and the sounds from the television, and then imitating them, even if imperfectly.
Essentially, language acquisition can be achieved simply through attentive listening and imitation.
If you embark on learning a language without first immersing yourself in its sounds and forming clear mental images, you’re likely to struggle.
In my course, I assist you in establishing a phonological circuit, the fundamental pathway for listening and speech production.
私たちは幼少期に、日本語を喋れるようになるために文法の勉強や単語の暗記をしたでしょうか? 周りの大人たちの言葉やテレビの音声などを聴き、舌足らずながらもそれを真似て言葉を習得していったと思います。

A diverse array of audio sounds are at your disposal to aid in the establishment of phonological circuits.
By immersing yourself in these sounds on a daily basis, the ear, accustomed to the native language, relaxes and the perception of the foreign language sounds sharpens.
As you internalise these sounds, the movements of the minute muscles in the middle ear start to align with the foreign language. Consequently, your pronunciation naturally becomes more akin to that of a native speaker.

Have you ever found language learning to be a struggle? Perhaps you can’t find time to study every day, or you find it boring or uninteresting.
My course offers one-to-one lessons. You can choose from more than 20 languages, including English, and I will tailor the lessons to suit your needs and lifestyle.
The key to learning a language is maintaining motivation. I offer a wide range of engaging learning materials, such as films, essays, and music, tailored to your tastes and preferences.
In addition to providing teaching methods, reading aloud instruction, and explanations of how language works, I assist you in uncovering the fascinating world of language on your own, fostering a keen interest in learning.